Is Manuka Honey a Con? Sorting Facts from Fiction

Is Manuka Honey a Con? Sorting Facts from Fiction

Manuka honey is the real deal. That is, when you get genuine manuka honey. Learn why manuka honey costs more and where to get the best in this blog.
When To Use Manuka Honey On Wounds

When To Use Manuka Honey On Wounds

Takeaways Manuka honey is used by doctors and vets alike for their patients in healing some of the most severe wounds.
Why You Should Use Manuka Honey for Sore Throats

Why You Should Use Manuka Honey for Sore Throats

Manuka honey contains uniquely high levels of an antibacterial compound called methylglyoxal. This means it can fight off infection and prevent it in the first place. It is commonly used to fight ...
Why Do Bees Make Honey? Nature’s Secrets, Unveiled…

Why Do Bees Make Honey? Nature’s Secrets, Unveiled…

Think you know why bees make honey? Find out what makes honeybees so special, how we protect bees when harvesting honey, and why it’s crucial to buy the right kind.
Is Honey Good for You? The Real Health Benefits.

Is Honey Good for You? The Real Health Benefits.

Find all the answers backed by science and real-world testimonials to the age-old question; is honey good for you? The truth, the watch-outs, and more here.
How To Choose The Best Manuka Honey (By Use)

How To Choose The Best Manuka Honey (By Use)

Choosing the best manuka honey to buy for you depends on what you want it for. This guide breaks down the best manuka honey by use for easy shopping.