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Manuka Honey for Teeth and Oral Health: Friend or Foe?


13 minutes

Essential Takeaways

It might seem counterintuitive to use honey for teeth and oral care, but the research says differently. Manuka honey has potent levels of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help manage symptoms associated with the most common problems in oral care and hygiene.

From periodontal (gum) disease, gingivitis, and ulcers to infections, toothache, and halitosis, the properties in Manuka honey have been shown to assist our bodies to stave off nasty bacteria, heal damage, and regenerate tissues. Studies have also found that despite its sugar content, not only does honey not cause tooth decay or rot, but it can help teeth maintain and rebuild their protective layer of enamel.

It is, however, still vital to enjoy Manuka honey as part of a healthy and balanced diet and not rely on its amazing health benefits alone to protect your mouth. And be sure to check with your dentist before applying Manuka honey to any more serious infections or chronic conditions.


Disclaimer: We do not recommend the use of Manuka honey as a replacement for seeking professional medical help. Always consult medical professionals in an emergency. It’s always best to get tailored advice from your dentist before using anything to treat teeth or oral care problems. 

Manuka honey for teeth?

It might sound like a terrible idea. Honey is pure sugar, right?

Whilst honey does contain sugar, and all sugary foods should be eaten in moderation, there’s so much more to raw Manuka honey when it comes to holistic oral care.

And there’s research to back this up. In fact, Manuka honey has been found to inhibit the growth of oral bacteria¹, reduce plaque just as well as a chemical mouthwash², and ease gingivitis and the bleeding that comes with it³.

So should you be using a Manuka honey toothpaste, mouthwash, or adding it to your existing dental routine? That’s what this guide is all about.

In this guide to Manuka honey for teeth and oral health:

Key Research Takeaways

Here’s a quick summary of the studies discussed in this article.

2010: Manuka honey works better than xylitol chewing gum

This study suggests that Manuka honey was better at reducing plaque than the more commonly used xylitol chewing gum.

2014: Manuka honey could be a root canal disinfectant

This study found that Manuka honey could protect root canal wounds from gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria like E.coli.

2017: Manuka honey fights oral bacteria

This study showed that Manuka honey is effective at fighting certain oral bacteria, which can cause nasty oral health problems.

2021: Manuka honey improves bad breath

This study found Manuka honey to be more effective against halitosis than the more commonly prescribed chlorhexidine disinfectant.

2023: Manuka honey aids periodontitis

This study found that Manuka honey reduced plaque and bleeding in patients with stage III (advanced) gum disease.


The Surprising Truth About Using Honey for Teeth

We need to look after our mouths - they work hard.

From keeping us alive to making a good or bad first impression, our oral care can affect every aspect of our health and wellness.

The World Health Organization estimates that oral diseases affect around 3.5 billion people worldwide, with many of them preventable if treated early⁴.

There are many different causes of bad oral health, and sugar consumption is a big one.

Sugar creates an environment which feeds bad bacteria in our mouths, eroding the protective enamel from the surface of teeth until they start to decay⁵.

Dentists refer to this as “the constant battle”, as bad and good bacteria fight it out throughout the day. Each time you eat or brush your teeth, you swing the odds one way or the other.

So adding honey to your oral care routine must be a terrible idea, right?


Surprisingly, research has found otherwise - with an important caveat.

Honey does contain sugar, and sugar should always be eaten in moderation. Our bodies and our teeth are designed to process moderate quantities of sugar safely, so if our diet is as clean and natural as possible, then you can benefit from using honey for oral care in a number of different ways.

Applying directly to your gums to manage symptoms of periodontal disease, gingivitis, halitosis, ulcers, infections and toothache, a jar of Manuka honey can be a natural way to keep you looking and feeling your best.

So before we delve more deeply into the research behind Manuka honey for oral care and how to use it, let’s cover some of the most frequently asked questions about honey and teeth.

Does honey cause cavities?

The research suggests that Manuka honey doesn’t cause cavities⁶ or rot teeth⁷. In fact, honey contains beneficial antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, along with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes which can help manage the causes of cavities and tooth decay⁶.

It is important to remember however, that honey does contain sugar, and the overconsumption of sugar can lead to cavities. So enjoy your honey for oral care in moderation.

Does honey stain teeth?

According to teeth whitening experts, honey doesn’t stain teeth⁸. The foods which are most likely to stain teeth are dark in colour, like coffee, red wine, soy sauce, berries, and beetroot⁹.

But it’s possible to prevent your teeth from staining by brushing teeth regularly, flossing and using a mouthwash¹⁰.

Can honey remineralise teeth?

Yes, it is possible that honey may help to remineralise our teeth. This is believed to be thanks to its trace amounts of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, the minerals that form the protective enamel around our teeth¹¹.

Demineralisation is a key concern for people who might need to eat smaller and more regular meals throughout the day. Honey may help to protect teeth against this continuous acid build-up and prevent decay or cavities, although there is no specific research on this yet and evidence to date has been mostly anecdotal.

Why do people put honey on their gums?

Raw Manuka honey has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which have been shown to reduce the symptoms of gum disease⁶.

Thanks to a unique combination of natural compounds including the antibacterial methylglyoxal (MGO), Manuka honey provides a moist and clean healing environment for the affected tissue.

Doctors and vets also use it to treat infected wounds in other parts of the body. Read more about Manuka honey for wound healing.

New Zealand Honey Co. customer Jade was able to ease inflammation in her mouth:

“Very refreshing to buy a product that actually works and tastes great. I bought this because I struggle with chronic inflammation and swelling. I took a spoonful of this on an empty stomach and instantly my mouth swelling went down in a matter of minutes and swelling in my face calmed. It’s amazing.”

- Jade, verified buyer | UMF™ 20+ | MGO 829+

Can you use Manuka honey after a tooth extraction?

Yes, honey is a great all-natural, cost-effective, and accessible treatment to support healing after a tooth extraction¹².

Studies have compared the use of honey to the normal saline solution usually applied to the wounds created by tooth extraction, and found that honey actually worked better. It was easier for patients to use and wounds healed faster¹².

Here’s an experience from one of our customers, Nancy:

“I used this honey on a tooth extraction site that was feeling a little swollen. I was worried it was getting infected. One day at 3x per day was all it took to take the swelling down! Amazing! I'm going to buy more to give as Christmas gifts! Great product, great company.”

- Nancy, verified buyer | UMF™ 20+ | MGO 829+

Should you brush your teeth with honey?

No, using Manuka honey as a toothpaste won’t get you the best results. Brushing your teeth is important for removing food and debris and keeping them clean. Where Manuka honey shines is for all-round oral health, keeping bacteria out, inflammation down, and plaque to a minimum.

The best way to use Manuka honey for teeth is through topical application between meals and brushing, which we’ll explore next.


Why and How to Use Manuka Honey for Oral Health (by Condition)

Research has found that Manuka honey can help teeth and oral care in a number of different ways from helping to prevent tooth decay to easing gum disease.

Here’s what the research says, along with ways you can use Manuka honey for teeth and oral care at home.

Remember to check with your dentist before using any at-home treatment for more serious oral conditions.

Manuka honey for gum disease (periodontitis) and gingivitis

Periodontitis (gum disease) is one of the most common diseases in the world¹³. With a rise in antibiotic resistance, researchers have been looking for alternative ways to treat gum disease without using these traditional antibiotics or surgery.

With its potent antibacterial effects and no bacterial resistance (as yet), Manuka honey has been investigated. This 2023 study found that Manuka honey reduced plaque and bleeding in patients with advanced periodontitis (stage III).

How to use: Apply Manuka honey directly to the tooth socket or affected area. In the study, participants packed the socket at least 4mm deep. Avoid eating or drinking for around half an hour to allow the honey to get to work.

You can also lick it off the spoon, or massage it into your gums like Sonny did:

“I take it twice daily, one raw teaspoon first thing in the morning with a big glass of water on an empty stomach, and another at night to help with my gum disease. After I've taken it, I avoid eating so my body can absorb all the nutrients.

…My gums were constantly bleeding and swollen. So one night I decided to massage it into my gums before bed, when I woke in the morning my gums had returned to normal and the inflammation was gone. I couldn’t believe it.”

- Sonny H., verified buyer | UMF™ 24+ | MGO 1122+

This customer also tried rubbing their gums with honey:

“I have been struggling with my gum disease for years. I have even had surgery to stop the receding. Nothing has worked, until now. I started rubbing my gums with honey. I drink it in my coffee. It's like a miracle. My gums are now pink, they seem to be getting more gum to cover the tooth. I feel l am in control of my disease, my teeth are healing. The honey is destroying the bacteria that nothing else could do. I am so grateful.”

- Anonymous, verified buyer | UMF™ 10+ | MGO 263+

Manuka honey for tooth infections and toothache

Teeth can get infected when their protective enamel gets damaged, and bacteria are able to penetrate the tooth¹⁴. Puss builds up into an abscess, causing toothache and at worst, an infection¹⁴.

Some infections can heal themselves, but others need a little more help to avoid spreading to the jaw and causing more serious problems.

With its unique antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Manuka honey has been tested for tooth infections. This 2017 study showed that Manuka honey is effective in fighting certain oral bacteria, and this study from 2014 found Manuka honey to be a potential root canal disinfectant.

How to use: Manuka honey needs to be applied topically for the best results. Use a clean cotton swab or similar to pack the honey into dry tooth sockets or as close to the affected area as possible and avoid any food or drink for 30 minutes.

Marjorie was able to help her tooth infection whilst getting other benefits, too:

“I’ve only been taking it for a short while but I can see a difference in my body. It seems to work on everything... my joints are better and an infection in my tooth just went away. I’m very pleased with the results that I’m getting overall and will continue to use it daily. Thanks for the relief!”

- Marjorie W., verified buyer | UMF™ 24+ | MGO 1122+

Manuka honey for ulcers and sores

Mouth ulcers and sores can occur naturally as the body’s response to an invading toxin. They often heal on their own, but can be quite tender in the process.

To give your body a helping hand, you can use Manuka honey. The honey forms a protective barrier around the affected area, keeping the environment hydrated and clear of microbes¹⁵. It boosts the regeneration of damaged tissue, helping to heal the area faster¹⁶.

It can also ease the pain of ulcers that keep coming back¹⁷.

How to use: Apply the Manuka honey directly to the mouth ulcer or sore. You will need to reapply a few times throughout the day as the honey dissolves in your mouth. Make sure you use clean hands or a sanitised swab each time you touch the affected area.

Manuka honey for plaque

Plaque build-up can react with the food we eat and damage the protective enamel around our teeth, leading to bigger and nastier problems.

So it’s important to keep on top of it, and Manuka honey may help. This 2004 study found that Manuka honey reduced plaque in participants and its associated bleeding, and this 2010 study also found that Manuka honey worked better at reducing plaque than xylitol chewing gum.

How to use: Participants of the 2004 study were asked to chew a Manuka honey product, so why not try our easy at-home Manuka honey chews recipe? Or you can apply pure Manuka honey directly to the teeth and gums as the participants of the second study did. Leave it for a few minutes, and then reapply - repeating this twice a day after meals.

Manuka honey for halitosis (bad breath)

Halitosis, or bad breath, is caused by a number of different factors from poor oral hygiene to particular foods, other medical conditions, and smoking¹⁸.

Invading bacteria can build up and cause a bad odour which just won’t go away. And that’s where Manuka honey can help.

This 2021 study found that honey can prevent halitosis by reducing bacteria in the mouth. It explains that honey’s high osmotic properties are responsible, able to draw moisture out from the cells and destroy them.

This study also found that Manuka honey is better than chlorhexidine at improving bad breath, the common antiseptic and disinfectant often prescribed.

How to use: Make your own easy Manuka honey mouthwash to help clear out bacteria before they get a chance to build up. All you need is Manuka honey and water.

Manuka honey for smokers

Tobacco use can cause and exacerbate all the conditions we have covered so far¹⁹, so it’s crucial for smokers to take extra measures when it comes to their oral care.

Fortunately, Manuka honey offers a great addition to their hygiene regime which can tackle these various issues.

Here’s a testimonial from one of our customers about their experience:

“As a smoker the roof of my mouth and throat gets a scratchy feeling. The honey helps heal my throat and mouth. I feel dramatic changes to my mouth and throat with this honey.”

- Anonymous, verified buyer

The Best Manuka Honey for Oral Health

Manuka honey contains uniquely potent levels of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties which make it a fantastic part of your oral care routine.

But it’s important to get the right kind. Unfortunately, due to its global reputation for amazing health and wellness benefits, there are a lot of imposters on the shelves.

The Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMF™) developed an independent grading system to help protect the integrity of genuine NZ Manuka honey.

The UMF™ grading system assures quality and authenticity. Only pure, raw, monofloral Manuka honey produced and packaged in New Zealand can receive this mark.

Each batch of certified honey is given a UMF™ grade according to the quantity of methylglyoxal (MGO) it contains. You might remember that MGO is the key antibacterial compound associated with Manuka honey’s unique properties.

It’s a simple system: the higher the grade, the more MGO is present and the more potent its antibacterial activity. The right grade for you all depends on what you want to use your honey for - which doesn’t have to just be oral care. (Here are over 170 ways you can use it).

For everyday use including maintaining a healthy mouth, the lower grades are great:

If you need a bit of a boost in your health and wellness, or want to target a specific oral health problem, opt for a higher grade:

If you want the very best that Manuka honey has to offer, or you are treating more serious tooth conditions or infected wounds, choose from the highest grades available:

For more help choosing the right grade for you, take our free quiz!

Open Wide for New Zealand Honey Co. Manuka Honey

All our Manuka honeys are UMF™ graded, fully traceable, glyphosate-free, non-GMO, and packaged sustainably.

1 ingredient, 2000 natural compounds.

We only deal with real.

Shop the range here.

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