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Why Is Manuka Honey Good For You?

Estimated reading time

20 minutes, 30 seconds

Essential Takeaways

Manuka honey is good for you thanks to its high potency in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. This means that it can help our bodies to stay well, fight off viruses and infections when they happen, and boost the body’s natural defences to stress.

With such versatile benefits, Manuka honey can be used for many different ailments. From external complaints like wounds and skin conditions, to internal problems like infections, and joint pain, research into using Manuka honey is expanding.

Manuka honey is a scarce product, sourced from rural and remote locations in New Zealand in some of the most pristine environments in the world. As a result of its global reputation and limited harvest, there are plenty of fakes and diluted jars on the market. Make sure you opt for UMF™ grade Manuka honey like ours for the most authentic, pure, and fresh honey.

Research has shown that Manuka honey has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are good for the body in many different ways.

From boosting our internal health to external healing, preventative care and even supporting chronic conditions, scientists have researched why Manuka honey is good for us extensively in the last couple of decades.

This guide will explore the evidence we have so far about why Manuka honey is good for you, how to use it to get these benefits, and which is the best Manuka honey to buy.

In this guide to why Manuka honey is good for you:

Why Manuka Honey Is Good For You

Pure, raw, monofloral Manuka honey is something special.

But don’t take our word for it.

“Manuka honey, a monofloral honey derived from the mānuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium), has greatly attracted the attention of researchers for its biological properties, especially its antimicrobial and antioxidant capacities.”

- The composition and biological activity of honey: A focus on Manuka honey, 2014 study.

Since Dr. Peter Molan began to uncover the unique properties of Manuka honey in the 1980s, research into its versatility and potential has exploded.

“High methylglyoxal (MGO) levels in Manuka honey are the main source of antibacterial activity. Antibacterial MGO causes alterations in the structure of bacterial fimbriae and flagella [their “legs”, or means by which they move] which would limit bacteria adherence and motility.”

- How methylglyoxal kills bacteria, 2016 study¹.

Researchers believe that it’s the unique combination of MGO (in high quantities) along with beneficial phytochemicals like phenols, flavonoids, and defensins which make Manuka honey good for you².

Today, we have evidence that Manuka honey may support immunity, wound healing, and digestion; that it can potentially ease arthritis, give us energy, help us recover from exercise and sinus infections, manage reflux, diabetes, and our weight - it may even boost our sex lives, and the results of chemotherapy.

These are just some of the uses we’ll be exploring in this guide.

Before we go any further, there is one important thing to address when asking what makes Manuka honey good for you.

Did you notice that we kicked off this section with a bit of a Manuka mouthful?

“Pure”, “raw”, and “monofloral”, are important adjectives when it comes to choosing your Manuka honey. They influence whether or not a batch of Manuka honey is truly good for you.

Did you know that honey is one of the most faked foods in the world?

Unfortunately, due to its impressive reputation, there are lots of diluted or over-processed honey products on grocery store shelves. Many of these may have been heated, which can destroy their beneficial enzymes, or laced with other types of sugar to increase the amount available for sale.

To get the best possible results from your Manuka honey, you want it as close to its natural state in the hive as possible. This means pure, raw, and fresh.

Fortunately, there’s a testing system that verifies this for you, which we’ll explore next.

When is Manuka honey bad for you?

If you have a compromised immune system or an allergy to bees, it’s crucial that you get advice from your doctor before consuming raw honey. It may not be safe for you.

The naturally-occurring spores found in raw honey are safe for healthy adults, but may be a problem for others.

Linked to this, infants should never be given honey. Manuka honey is safe for children over one year of age because their digestive system has matured enough to handle the kinds of bacteria that we come into contact with from our food and environment.

Which Manuka Honey Is The Best For You

The best way to ensure that you get the best Manuka honey for you is to opt for a UMF™ graded jar.

This independent grading system tests a batch of Manuka honey for its purity, antibacterial potency, and freshness.

The grade itself relates to the amount of methylglyoxal (MGO) in the honey. The higher the grade, the more MGO, and the greater its antibacterial strength.

If you want a daily dose of general health and wellness, lower UMF™ grades are fine for you. If you have a specific ailment you want to treat, or you want the best that Manuka honey has to offer, then explore the higher grades.

Here are some of the benefits that our customers have experienced with some of the different grades:

“I love the taste, but what I mostly enjoy is the heaviness the honey gives my tea, which helps me sleep so very soundly without the need for supplements or OTC tablets.”

- Brenda W., verified buyer | UMF™ 10+ | MGO 263+

“I'm a thrilled customer! This honey has helped me with a number of ailments from circulatory to sore joints and even an aching tooth. I do so wish I knew about Manuka Honey years ago when I was much younger but I'm grateful to be experiencing this little "miracle in a jar" now.”

- Anonymous, verified buyer | UMF™ 20+ | MGO 829+

“Truly exceptional product. As a 50 year old training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, I have been plagued with certain bacterial infections. This level Manuka at 26+ has been the only reliable and consistent product that has kept these infections controlled.”

- Fabian G., verified buyer | UMF™ 26+ | MGO 1282+

Learn more about choosing the right UMF™ grade for you.



Head to Toe: Here’s How Manuka Honey Could Help Your Body

Let’s take a tour of your body.

From head to toe, and the inside out, Manuka honey could help you look and feel your best. Here why, how it works, and ways to use it for these benefits.

Manuka honey for brain and mental health

We’re kicking off at the top of the body with perhaps the newest area of research. With honey’s enduring reputation for optimal health and wellness, scientists are beginning to look at its effects on the brain.

“A total of 34 original articles addressing brain health from the consumption of honey were analyzed. We identified four main brain health benefits, which are memory booster, neuroprotective effect, anti-stress, and anti-nociceptive potentials with the proposed underlying mechanism.”

- Honey on brain health: A promising brain booster, 2023 study³.

Based on the few studies that we have so far, it appears that honey may benefit our brain in four key ways:

  1. By boosting memory, which shows potential in the prevention and treatment of dementia⁴ and Alzheimer’s disease⁵.

  2. By protecting against oxidative stress⁶, which is believed to be the leading cause of neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Huntingdon’s disease, and multiple sclerosis⁷.

  3. By lowering our stress responses, which can help to reduce the risk of disease³.

  4. By easing our pain receptors and giving us relief³.

It is important to note that some of these studies have been conducted on non-human animals, and more work remains to be done to consolidate these brain-boosting effects. Read more about Manuka Honey's brain benefits.  

However, as the study below states, we do have evidence of benefits and mechanisms that relate to brain health, giving some promise for the future:

“There is not enough research on the neuroprotective aspects of honey. However, dissection of key components of the composition of honey has deciphered many compounds which are individually appreciated for their role in improvement of cognition and neurodegenerative disorders.”

- The gut-brain axis, cognition and honey, 2020 study⁸.

For one of our customers, Steve, Manuka honey made a marked impact on his life in a rather unexpected way.

A severe and chronic case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was debilitating Steve. Unable to predict when his symptoms might occur, his mental health suffered.

“I didn’t want to get out of bed. I was depressed, riddled with anxiety and stress, and it was snowballing.”

After conducting his own in-depth research, Steve learned that there is a direct link between gut health and mental health, and that the stress and pressure on one can exacerbate the other.

Knowing that Manuka honey offers all sorts of health benefits, Steve thought he would try it.

“I don’t know if it was the first few days or the first week, but I felt like the darkness had disappeared. I felt lighter, and my mood had shifted. I wasn’t feeling irritable, stressed, or worried. I felt good. I had a new sense of optimism, focus, and productivity, and my sleep improved too. But mostly, I felt relief.

I knew that Manuka honey had not only healed my IBS, but it had saved my life. And all it took was two teaspoons of Manuka honey a day. That's it.”

- Steve, New Jersey, United States, verified buyer | UMF™ 26+ | MGO 1282+

Here are some good brain food recipes using Manuka honey:

Manuka honey for hair and skin conditions

The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties of Manuka honey make it a great addition to your haircare or skincare routine.

But where Manuka honey really shines is in wound healing.

Manuka honey has humectant and emollient properties⁹. This means that it keeps an affected area clean, hydrated, and safe from bacteria.

Not only that, but studies have shown that Manuka honey triggers tissue regeneration¹⁰, and collagen production¹¹, speeding up the wound healing process.

“Honey has been mainly used as a topical application on wounds for its antibacterial properties, resulting from its ability to generate hydrogen peroxide and the presence of other active compounds.

The compounds include phenols, defensin-1, and methylglyoxal (found in Manuka honey). Its acidity and low water availability also contribute to honey’s healing properties.

Honey has exceptional antimicrobial and tissue-regenerative properties which should be exploited to the full to help wounds heal.”

- Honey has sweet potential for wound healing, 2022 article¹².

These healing and moisturising properties can also be used on skin conditions like acne and eczema, and for boosting your hair’s hydration and shine.

Here’s the experience one of our customers had using Manuka honey.

“Since using UMF™ 24+ Manuka honey, I've noticed significant results. When I applied it directly to my mom's dry, irritated skin, it improved the texture and hydration almost immediately.

The soothing properties of the honey provided relief where other treatments had fallen short.”

- New Zealand Honey Co. customer from the United States, verified buyer | UMF™ 24+ | MGO 1122+


Here are some ways you can use Manuka honey for your skin and hair:

Manuka honey for oral care

It might feel counter-intuitive to use a sugary substance like Manuka honey for your oral care, but studies say otherwise.

Manuka honey has been found to reduce plaque¹³, fight oral bacteria¹⁴, tackle bad breath¹⁵, ease the symptoms of advanced gum disease¹⁶, and even act as a disinfectant for root canal procedures¹⁷.

Far from rotting our teeth, Manuka honey may help to remineralise them, protecting them against the damage from sugary foods¹⁸. Read more about Manuka Honey for teeth and oral health.

Here’s how a New Zealand Honey Co. customer used their Manuka honey for oral care:

“I have been struggling with my gum disease for years. I have even had surgery to stop the receding. Nothing has worked, until now.

I started rubbing my gums with honey. My gums are now pink, they seem to be getting more gum to cover the tooth. The honey is destroying the bacteria that nothing else could do. I am so grateful.”

- Anonymous, verified buyer | UMF™ 10+ | MGO 263+

Manuka honey for allergies, sinus infections, colds and flu

Pure, raw Manuka honey can be good for allergies, sinus infections, and colds thanks to its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

This means that it reduces the inflammation caused by irritants and bacteria¹⁹, helps to clear the airways¹⁹, and regulates the body’s immune response for efficient healing²⁰.

Honey might already be a go-to cold and flu remedy in your home, but are you using it to its full potential?

Here are two ways that many people are limiting the benefits they could be experiencing:

  1. They put honey on hot food or in hot drinks. This destroys some of the natural enzymes and nutrients in the honey, which are responsible for its health properties.

  2. They use regular, processed honey from the grocery store. These have often been heated and filtered which can also destroy those beneficial enzymes.

If you want to get more creative with your Manuka honey than simply slurping it from a spoon, make sure that you keep its temperature below 37℃ (98.6℉). This is the natural temperature of the hive, and using it at this heat ensures that you retain all the beneficial compounds.

Here’s how some of our customers have benefitted from using Manuka honey for allergies and sinus infections.

“After about a month of consistent use, I noticed that my allergy symptoms had reduced, and my overall sense of well-being had improved. It’s been effective in managing my allergies and supporting my gut health.

If you’re considering trying Manuka honey for allergies or gut health, I recommend budgeting for it to ensure consistent use. The benefits I’ve seen are why I plan to continue purchasing it. It’s made a difference for me, and I plan to keep it part of my wellness routine.”

- Theresa Skodacek, verified buyer | UMF™ 20+ | MGO 829+

“I was struggling with a chronic sinus infection that had lasted for six weeks. I initially tried antiviral treatments, but they didn’t improve my symptoms.

Frustrated and still dealing with the discomfort, I decided to shift to an antibacterial approach and began researching natural remedies. That’s when I came across Manuka honey.

I decided to give it a try, and within two days of [using] UMF™ 26+, my sinus infection resolved completely. I was amazed by how effective it was - it made all the difference for me.”

- Fabian Garcia, verified buyer | UMF™ 26+ | MGO 1282+

Check out these tips for cooking with Manuka honey.

Manuka honey for digestion, reflux, and weight management

Many issues with our stomach and digestive system can be eased using Manuka honey.

It’s one of the most common reasons that people buy our honey, and they regularly report great results.

Research has found that:

  • Manuka honey inhibits the growth of H. pylori, a bacteria that can cause a lot of the common stomach problems that many people experience every day²¹.

  • Manuka honey reduces the inflammation caused by ulcerative colitis²², a bowel disease which is becoming more prevalent²³.

  • Manuka honey eases gastritis, gastroenteritis and chronic ulcers by reducing inflammation and boosting new tissue growth²⁴.

  • Manuka honey helps to soothe the symptoms of acid and gastric reflux (GERD) thanks to its “high density, high viscosity, and low surface tension”, which coats the oesophagus and facilitates healing²⁵.

  • Manuka honey is the healthiest natural sweetener, it helps to keep you feeling full by raising blood sugar slowly²⁶, it may aid in digestion²⁷, and it helps the body to prepare for and recover from exercise. So, it is a great addition to a balanced weight loss regime.

Here’s how Manuka honey has changed the lives of our customers suffering from digestive issues:

“As an Italian, eating and drinking are a big part of my culture. But my silent reflux (LPR) took the joy out of that, some days I just couldn’t eat. I couldn't enjoy the food that once brought me so much happiness.

My doctor wanted to put me on prescription medication, but I didn’t want that, especially long term. I’ve always lived a healthy lifestyle, and have always leaned towards alternative medicine. I knew I had to find a better way, and I was going to find it.

Now that I take New Zealand Honey Co. Manuka honey for LPR, I can eat and drink all of the foods I love. I believe that this honey will be a part of my diet forever.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's changed my life. It's something that I will never stop using. I'm 71 years old and feel fantastic.”

- Debbie, Illinois, United States, verified buyer | UMF™ 15+ | MGO 514+

For Brianna, the mystery cause of her child’s digestive issues, weight loss, and stutter took years to resolve. But once she found Manuka honey, the results changed everything:

“One of the tests profiled every bug in her gut and tested for parasites and H. pylori. And that’s when everything started to make sense - the test came back positive for H pylori.

Once we had the results, I sent them to the gastroenterologist who suggested we start various medications, including stomach acid blockers, antibiotics, and a few others that targeted H. pylori infections. But my daughter was only 2 years old, I didn’t know how comfortable I felt putting her through that. So I did what any mother would do, I started looking for a natural treatment for H. pylori.

The Manuka Honey didn't just work, it worked like gangbusters. And after just one month she tested negative, her stools returned to normal, and her stutter significantly improved. I was so relieved, not only that my daughter was now on the mend but that I had followed my gut and didn’t go the route of putting her through harsh antibiotic medications.

Today I continue to give my daughter New Zealand Honey Co. Manuka honey intermittently as a preventative measure. She’s also had croup which was just horrible, so I’ve used the Manuka honey as cough relief, and found it worked wonders."

- Brianna, verified buyer | UMF™ 24+ | MGO 1122+

Manuka honey for asthma and lung inflammation

Anti-inflammatories are often prescribed for asthma patients, but research suggests that taking honey can also help to ease the symptoms²⁸. This is particularly true for reducing the severity and frequency of coughs²⁹.

It is believed that taking a spoonful of honey either raw or mixed into a warm drink can not only ease inflammation, but also help to lubricate the airways and keep them clear²⁹.

These benefits are also being tested for patients with chronic conditions like cystic fibrosis (CF).  

Infection and inflammation are common and can lead to potentially life-threatening complications for CF patients. Manuka honey is showing promise in preventing and reducing some of the most common offenders³⁰.

It has even shown potential to boost the effects of antibiotics and other traditional treatments, which could mean that patients can use less medication in the future and experience fewer side effects³¹.

This is still a developing area of research, but some of our customers are seeing results:

“My mother suffers from pseudomonas and asthma, and we were looking high and low for a natural product that could help. This hit the mark! We saw a positive effect after a few weeks, and after months of use, the result was reduced colonies and fewer asthma attacks.” 

- Mariam B., verified buyer | UMF™ 28+ | MGO 1450+

Manuka honey for joint pain and arthritis

Much of the pain we might feel in our joints as a result of arthritis and similar issues is caused by inflammation.

Manuka honey contains antioxidants which regulate and reduce inflammation, clean and clear damaged tissue, and boost repair³⁶.

Studies have shown that Manuka honey may have preventative effects that would benefit people prone to arthritis and joint pain. One study found that honey prevented the breakdown of protective cartilage between bones³⁷, reducing the risk of friction and inflammation.

Perhaps most importantly, Manuka honey is good for general health and wellness, and this is key for managing joint pain and arthritis.

Why not trying adding it to yoghurt, like this New Zealand Honey Co. customer:

“I put a teaspoon of honey in my greek yogurt daily and used it as a dip for my apple - delicious! It proved very helpful for my GI tract and my arthritis.”

- Anonymous, verified buyer | UMF™ 24+ | MGO 1122+

Manuka honey for exercise and energy

As an easy-to-digest carbohydrate that releases glucose slower than other sugars, Manuka honey is great for maintaining energy and fuelling exercise.

Not only that, but honey also contains amino acids, lipids, and peptides, which are key nutrients for energy³⁸. They give you a lift and help the body to repair itself after physical activity.

Getting pure honey is vital to achieving that gradual glucose release. Many of the honeys on store shelves may be diluted with other sugars, which are more likely to give you a short, sharp high.

This might feel energising at first, but then the crash comes. With Manuka honey, you can maintain that peak for longer, and dose your body with other vitamins and minerals, too.

Here are some Manuka honey recipes that will help you stay healthy and alert:

Manuka honey for hormones, sexual health and libido

PSA: Manuka honey is sexy, did you know?

Research has found that Manuka honey isn’t just beneficial outside of the bedroom. Here’s an overview of the findings so far:

  • Honey may increase testosterone levels thanks to its phenol content. This can boost the libido and improve arousal³⁹.

  • Honey may alleviate erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis⁴⁰.

  • Honey has been shown to increase sperm count and motility⁴⁰.

  • Honey may help to ease the symptoms of menopause thanks to its flavonoid and phenolic compounds⁴¹.

It’s even been suggested that honey could act as a cryoprotectant during in-vitro fertilisation. This means it could protect the sperm whilst transfer takes place³⁹.  

Not bad for bee food.

Here’s how our customer, Sonny, used his Manuka honey:

“When I was diagnosed with a hormone imbalance, I also learned it was prevalent in the aging Chinese community. But with my diagnosis came a whole lot of other health-related issues, inflammation in the body, low thyroid, gum disease, and dry eyes.

I knew something needed to change, but I wanted to avoid using pharmaceutical medication if I could. I wanted a natural remedy. Manuka honey has significantly helped with my hormone imbalance, my digestive issues and acid reflux. All it took was two weeks to see and feel the difference in my body.

Some might say it’s a little bit pricey, but you can not put a price on your health. I think it’s worth every dollar.”

- Sonny, Toronto, Canada, verified buyer | UMF™ 24+ | MGO 1122+

Get some spicy tips on using Manuka honey for sexual benefits in our dedicated guide.


Shop The Best Manuka Honey For Your Body With New Zealand Honey Co.

Manuka honey is good for you from your head to your toes, inside and out.

When buying your Manuka honey from New Zealand Honey Co, you can rest assured that this liquid gold has been harvested by the most responsible beekeepers in the business, independently tested, packaged sustainably, and is non-GMO and glyphosate-free.

You deserve to know what’s going into your body. And with us, you do.

1 ingredient, 2000 natural compounds.

We only deal with real.

Shop your honey

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Manuka honey do for your body?

Manuka honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. This means that it can be used to prevent and fight bacterial infections, ease inflammation and regulate the body’s immune responses to act quickly, and it can help to protect cells against oxidative stress, which is the leading cause of many chronic diseases and conditions.

Manuka honey is a naturally versatile, functional food which can replace some traditional medications and therapies, and complement others. For this reason, research continues on how we can get the best results using Manuka honey for our health and wellness.

Is Manuka honey healthier than regular honey?

Manuka honey offers more potent health benefits than many other types of honey. This is due to its unique chemical compounds and their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

It’s also down to the strict regulations that verify authentic Manuka honey, which aren’t available for “regular” honey. Since honey is one of the most faked (and diluted) foods in the world, this quality assurance is critical for protecting the integrity of the real deal.

Is it ok to eat Manuka honey every day?

Yes, a spoonful of Manuka honey a day offers all sorts of great health benefits. With a daily dose as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle, you can give your body the vitamins and minerals that it needs to stay fighting fit all year round.

Is there anything negative about using Manuka honey?

Unless you are allergic to bees, under a year old, or perhaps immuno-compromised, there’s nothing negative about using Manuka honey. It’s best to get a doctor’s advice if you are dealing with a chronic condition or if you want to use it for medical purposes. But in general, pure, raw Manuka honey offers a suite of fantastic health and wellness benefits.

How long does it take to feel the benefits of Manuka honey?

This depends on the type of Manuka honey you take, how much, and what benefits you’re hoping to feel. For the best chance at fast results, opt for the highest UMF™ grade possible, as this will give you the most potent compounds. Make sure you store your honey properly and follow our tips when cooking with it to get the best results.

Is Manuka honey good for gut bacteria?

Emerging research is finding that honey may be a promising prebiotic that boosts the growth of good gut bacteria²⁷. Studies state that although evidence is limited, the anti-inflammatory properties of honey make it a promising option for treating gut-related conditions²⁷.

Why is Manuka honey so expensive?

Manuka honey costs more than other types of honey for three key reasons: its potency, scarcity, and quality assurance.

Manuka honey is native to New Zealand and only comes from the Leptospermum scoparium (mānuka) tree. These trees only bloom only a few weeks out of the year, allowing for a very limited honey harvest season.

Particularly potent in methylglyoxal, an antibacterial compound, Manuka honey offers extra health and wellness benefits when compared to other kinds of honey. For this reason, there is a dedicated verification system to certify its authenticity and freshness: the Unique Manuka Factor™ grading system (which is the strictest honey grading system in the world). Not all Manuka honey is UMF™ graded, but this extra layer of independent testing ensures that you’re getting the real deal, and may add to the price tag.

Is Manuka honey worth the money?

That depends on what you want it for. If you want a sweetener to liven up your food and drinks but you’re not looking for any particular health benefits, then Manuka honey might not be worth it for your specific needs. If you’re looking for a health and wellness product that can not only sweeten food and drink but be used in your skincare, haircare, medicine cabinet, and kitchen, then Manuka honey is worth the money.

Is there a better honey than Manuka?

The best honey for you depends on what you want it for. Manuka honey has been shown to offer the most potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant benefits. Our customers regularly describe it as the best honey they’ve ever tasted too, so it’s a difficult one to beat! But the flavour of Manuka honey is unique, and it costs more than regular honey. So, depending on your needs, there might (or might not) be better honey for you.

How do you know if Manuka honey is real?

Not all “real” Manuka honey has a UMF™ grade, but all UMF™ Manuka honeys are real. The UMF™ grading system is the most rigorous independent test for honey in the world. Only fresh, pure, raw, and monofloral Manuka honey can receive a UMF™ grade. So if you want to be extra sure that you’re buying a genuine product, this gives you the assurance.

Is Manuka honey a superfood?

Manuka honey can be considered a superfood thanks to its numerous health and wellness benefits. Potent in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it is a versatile ingredient that can be used in different foods and drinks for an immunity and energy boost.

Is Manuka honey safe for everyone?

No, pure and raw honey isn’t safe for infants or people with allergies to bee products. It’s also important for anyone with a compromised immune system to seek professional advice before eating raw honey. This is because they may be exposed to naturally occurring bacteria that are safe for healthy adults but can’t be processed by their digestive system.

Is Manuka honey good for children?

Yes, Manuka honey is great for healthy children over the age of one. By this time, their digestive system will have matured to process the natural enzymes and bacteria in the honey, and they can benefit from its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant benefits just like adults.


¹ How methylglyoxal kills bacteria: An ultrastructural study, National Library of Medicine.

² What does MGO mean on Manuka honey? New Zealand Honey Co.

³ Honey on brain health: A promising brain booster, Frontiers in Ageing Neuroscience.

The potential neuroprotective effect of Manuka honey in Sprague-Dawley rats…, University of Pretoria.

Honey and Alzheimer’s disease: current understanding and future prospects, MDPI.

Honey as an antioxidant therapy to reduce cognitive ageing, National Library of Medicine.

Potential therapeutic benefits of honey in neurological disorders, MDPI.

The gut–brain axis, cognition and honey, Springer Nature Link.

Manuka honey wound care, New Zealand Honey Co.

¹⁰ Health benefits of Manuka honey as an essential constituent for tissue regeneration, National Library of Medicine.

¹¹ Modulation of collagen population under honey assisted wound healing in diabetic rat model, ScienceDirect.

¹² Honey has sweet potential for wound healing, argue scientists, University of Manchester.

¹³ Effect of Manuka honey, chlorhexidine gluconate and xylitol on the clinical levels of dental plaque, National Library of Medicine.

¹⁴ Periodontal application of Manuka honey: Antimicrobial and demineralising effects in-vitro, International Journal of Dentistry.  

¹⁵ Chlorhexidine and honey: Mouthwash liquids in reducing halitosis of stroke patients, ScienceDirect.

¹⁶ Therapeutic Manuka honey as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy, MDPI.

¹⁷ Comparison of the antibacterial efficacy of Manuka honey against E.faecalis and E.coli – an in-vitro study, National Library of Medicine.

¹⁸ Does honey harm or help your smile? The surprising truth, Gallery57Dental.

¹⁹ Inhalation of honey reduces airway inflammation and histopathological changes in a rabbit model of ovalbumin-induced chronic asthma, National Library of Medicine.

²⁰ Immunosuppressive effect of honey on the induction of allergen-specific humoral antibody response in mice, National Library of Medicine.

²¹ Here’s why Manuka honey might be key to your stomach health, Women’s Health.

²² Potential pathway of anti-inflammatory effect by New Zealand honeys, DovePress.

²³ Ulcerative colitis, Guts UK.

²⁴ Manuka honey for gastric reflux, acid reflux, and GERD, New Zealand Honey Co.

²⁵ Honey - A nutrient with medicinal property in reflux oesophagitis, Indian Journal of Medical Research.

²⁶ Honey and diabetes: The importance of natural simple sugars in diet…, National Library of Medicine.

²⁷ The potential of honey as a prebiotic food to re-engineer the gut microbiome toward a healthy state, National Library of Medicine.

²⁸ Honey in bronchial asthma: From folk tales to scientific facts, National Library of Medicine.

²⁹ Honey for asthma, Healthline.

³⁰ Manuka honey microneedles for enhanced wound healing and the prevention and/or treatment of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) surgical site infection, Scientific Reports.

³¹ Effect of Manuka honey on biofilm-associated genes expression during methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation, National Library of Medicine.

³² Manuka honey for colon cancer, New Zealand Honey Co.

³³ Manuka honey in combination with 5-Fluorouracil decreases physical parameters of colonspheres enriched with cancer stem-like cells and reduces their resistance to apoptosis, ScienceDirect.

³⁴ Can the phenolic compounds of Manuka honey chemosensitize colon cancer stem cells? A deep insight into the effect on chemoresistance and self-renewal, ScienceDirect.

³⁵ Effects of honey and its mechanisms of action on the development and progression of cancer, MDPI.

³⁶ Manuka honey for joint pain and arthritis, New Zealand Honey Co.

³⁷ Therapeutic potential of bioactive compounds in honey for treating osteoarthritis, National Library of Medicine.

³⁸ Manuka honey for energy, New Zealand Honey Co.

³⁹ Manuka honey for sexual benefits, New Zealand Honey Co.

⁴⁰ Protective roles of honey in reproductive health, National Library of Medicine.

⁴¹ Manuka honey and the menopause, New Zealand Honey Co.

Your wellness journey starts with a spoonful a day.


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